Why spend studying for years when you can get your qualification in weeks. By getting your qualifications or experience recognised you could save your time focusing on work
Save substantial course fee on units by assessing your previous experience or credits from study.
Getting your qualifications sooner means you can start working towards your career in a high demand industry quickly.
Our partnered RTOs are Nationally Recognised. So, you can be certain that you are in good hands.
Start with Free Skills Assessments and determine your eligibility for RPL. When it is completed, you’ll have a brief discussion with an RPL specialist who will walk you through the process
After you identify the qualifications you’re eligible for, it’s time to get started! You’ll receive a number of documents to start the process. We’ll work with you to gather your supporting evidence and make it easier.
We’ll take care of the hard work and will organise and compile your evidence so that it’s aligned with the units of the qualification you’re after. This helps you to successfully achieve your qualification from one of our RTO partners.
It’s time for the good news! The Skills Recognition & RPL Process is complete provided you meet the requirements of each unit. You’re then issued with a Nationally Recognised Qualification from one of our RTO partners. Congratulations!